100-Year-Old Tesla Valve Is Cool But Not Well Suited For Industry

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A critique of Tesla Valve.

Over the past year I’ve learned way more than I thought I would about check valves. It started when we had a torrential downpour in May 2020 and our house flooded. . . from the downstairs toilet. . . and all the neighborhood “business” landed in our family room.

In the 70s, when our house was built, they didn’t put in check valves for the sanitary sewers and for a long time it was frowned upon to do so for reasons unknown to me. Needless to say, a video of the offensive waters in my house convinced city planners that it was necessary for us to install one to ensure we never had to deal with the doo doo again.

Right around the same time I interviewed Brian Strait, business development and marketing manager at Check-All Valve Mfg. Co. I became much better versed in valves and even impressed the contractor who was installing the check valve in our front yard with my newly learned lingo and knowledge. (See “Not All Check Valves Go With The Flow.”)